Monday 19 August 2013



A few yeras ago I attended a meeting chaired by an erstwhile executive of ours. It was a tiny group of 10. Yet the points highlighted by him still rumbles through the corridors of my psyche. It was around like this: 
Be committed 
Imagine now our institution as a corporate. Remember!! It had a humble beginning, but with a mission and a greater vision. It accommodates all of us, young and old, superiors and subordinates alike as in a home. Our institution is our home, our mainstay. It gives us our food, reputation .And, whatever social status we enjoy now is on only because of our organisation. We are committed to ourselves and our family members. They are part of our ego. But are we so committed to the institution which is nothing less than our home? Let us introspect and try to find out an answer. What is wrong in loving our organization just the same way we love our family? Nothing wrong. So long as we work here we belong to organisation and our egos belong to its conglomerate ego .Commitment to the cause and mission is the need of the hour. Leaders may come and go. But the organization will still be there in full youth and virility. It is a tree that has grown several years and we are all its leaves. Leaves bud and fall. But the tree remains. 
Accept corporate goals 
Men and women come and go; so also seasons. There are good and bad seasons, winter and summer. But when we march, hand in hand, minds united we progress. For that, we have to be sincere, steadfast and vision oriented. We should learn to love our organisation the same way we love our family. We may achieve, or fail to achieve. Success and failure both are there and have been there for all who started the walk. It is nature’s rule. But the question is that of the degree of our sincerity and commitment. Let us think of our prowess not of short comings. Let us have a mindset to accommodate into ourselves the corporate goals, objectives and commitments. Decisions may prove right or wrong. Everything depends on how effective we are in executing, and translating those decisions into reality. It is not the size of the army but the skill that counts History teaches us this. There are many instances in history of smaller armies conquering the larger ones mainly because of their will and commitments. The number doesn’t matter. Quality counts 
Enjoy the work 
Let our thoughts, words and actions reflect our enthusiasm love, sincerity and commitment. This is the positive side of things. Being positive we get less stressed up and less drained up of energies. Negative thoughts are repulsive and consume more energy. Also they lead to dangerous hormone releases that lead us into the clutch of psycho somatic ailments. It causes ill-health. Health researchers, now, are landing on such conclusions. Just being sincere we can enjoy our work. Just practicing love to our superiors and subordinates we can enjoy their presence around us. The superiors are not enemies. The subordinates are not inferiors. When the mind is healthy, even the physically weak is more powerful than he is otherwise. It is not our position in the institution, but it is our sincerity, and committed stance that is important.. 

Work is worship 

The ‘Karma-yogi’ is aware of his task and performs each task with love and devotion. Love and devotion kindles and rekindles our liking for what we have to do. Doing a work which we like to do is less tiresome and strenuous than doing something we do not like. When this principle is translated into practice Karma-Yoga becomes “working in awareness and working in relaxation.”Let us dream of an organization manned by people enthused by the spirit of love and commitment.

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