Sunday 13 October 2013

You Can Win

If you move with a clear goal ahead, you can win:

Man is solely responsible for his own fortunes. Everybody has the potential to grow. He has to grow amidst adversities. It is a folly entrusting the task of our upbringing to the environment, Government, or the Society. Intense desire, hard work and dedication-the trio lead to success. This is what the developed nations teach us. Strong will attracts the mind like a magnet. The first step is creating a longing for achievement  Once the goal is set, the first step is over.

Never think I cannot. Or I have no ability to learn. The potentialities of the brain are tremendous. If you make a computer with the capabilities of the human brain , it will be larger than the size of the earth. Even Einstein utilised only 25% of his brain. Ordinary people are said to utilise only 10-15%. If you utilise 3% of your brain capacity, you can reach heights. Yes ,the possibilities of the brain are infinite. Goals are achieved when hard work follows immense desire. Be decided as to what you will be after 10 years. The decision should match your personality, and tastes.

Enjoy your work. Every moment the body, mind and the soul should work in unison for reaching the goal. There should not be another goal at the moment. Focus on the set goal. Sleep, relaxation, food, routine works and healthy family are contributory factors. Take a pledge to reach the goal. The pledge should influence subsequent decisions and behavioural patterns. Take the goal as a challenge and prepare the body and mind to face it. Once decided, convince your mind of the decision. Speak at least twice a day as to what to do and what to pay for achieving the goal. Visualise the joyous moments of achievement and the appreciation and accolades that follows it. Work hard, body and mind focussed. Muster deep knowledge in matters contributing to achievements. Do not go after trivial things. Keep moving on , focussed.

Change the mindset. Have the mindset of a winner. Think that I am sure to win. Prepare a plan and a project and work with them.

Join hands with the like- minded and march ahead. Close all dents to avoid a possible retreat. Advance with self confidence. There is nothing as failure. Edison failed 10000 times before he succeeded. Edison took each of his failure as a step towards success. Abraham Lincoln failed in everything he did. Lost always when contested for the legislature, Parliament and the Senate. But at the age of 52 he became President of the United States. He learned to win from his failures.

Tomorrow is the result of today’s actions. Do not curse anybody,  even yourself. Do not procrastinate. For, .if you procrastinate , perhaps you cannot do the same thing tomorrow. Be optimistic and self controlled. Do everything with a sense of commitment.

Do not become a floating junk wood. Keep all your promises. Then only you can win others’ confidence. Dress neatly. Let your walk, gaze and speech radiate the confident personality in you. If possible , find a role model to imitate.


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